Mut tut gut! Frauen-Camp // ‘Get brave – feel great! Women’s camp


Over the Whitsun break the guides from Mut tut gut ! ‘Get brave – feel great!’ organised another big Mountain Bike camp for women. Our camp targets women who want to challenge themselves and develop self confidence, but also have fun on the bike.

 Despite a terrible weather forecast and the promise of heavy rain, all 28 of the women who had registered valiantly turned up for the weekend in MIttenberg and were rewarded with great weather from the start !

 Our coaches are  Ann-Christin Bettenhausen, Alexandra Ott, Manuela Weiß, Petra Müssig and myself Sonja Granzow and as well as tips and tricks for riding techniques we also focussed on the mental side of mountain biking. There was a variety of interesting, challenging and enjoyable spots for coaching all with plenty of potential for the riders to practice and try out different lines. Some of our attendees were ‘repeat offenders’ who we have known for years, as well as some new faces.

 The goodie bags from Hope, Gonso and Deuter were an additional boost for our riders and everyone went home on Monday fired up and with new confidence in their riding.

 We are already planning the Mut tut gut ! event for next year, again for the Whitsun weekend. The location is still to be confirmed, but this as well as our other Mut tut gut courses can be found here or on the websites of the individual coaches.


Words & Pictures: Sonja Granzow


Hannah davies: 10 months on